Business for Bohemians October 5, 2017 17:47
I have just read this brilliant book by Tom Hodgkinson and although I have been running my own business as a self employed artist for over 20 years, it is great to have confirmation that I am not alone in how I feel about my life \ work balance. He quotes Robert Louis Stevenson who said that 'my idea of a (wo)man's chief end was to enrich the world with things of beauty and have a fairly good time myself while doing so'. I love what I do and the freedom that it gives me is more important than money. I'm not bothered about expensive cars, clothes and holidays and I will never retire. Work is just about the most important thing in my life (along with my friends and family) and working on my own means I don't have responsibility for others. My ideal day is to walk round the cliffs in the morning - which I usually do with a friend, cycle to my studio the sun preferably... and stay there most of the day making and creating and then spend the evening with family & friends or doing zumba or yoga. Having said that, work is almost never off my mind. I think about it constantly and often have to work in the evenings instead of being sociable. But I don't mind doing that as I love my work!